Now is the perfect time to go for a walk in Ann Arbor. The trees are in full bloom, and the weather is cool and sunny.
Need some inspiration?
Here is a beautiful description of a walk in Gallup Park by my friend, Zibby Oneal, accompanied by a few photos from yours truly.
These early Spring days it’s a pleasure to walk beside the river in Gallup Park. We did that last Saturday and counted seven swans on the river and a few dozen baby geese on the banks, fluffy yellow fledglings, tentatively eyeing the water.
Red wing blackbirds occupy a thicket not far off the path beside the river. They nest there and are quick to dive at walkers who come to close to their hatchlings, expressing their displeasure with raucous screeches.
Blossoming trout lillies |
Last Saturday a number of high school crews were racing, their silvery shells speeding through the water as the crews bent to their oars. Along the banks, gathered in brightly-colored huddles, their supporters cheered and whistled as they passed.
In the playgrounds, graying grandfathers were pushing swings, standing to catch small, squealing children as they hurtled off slides. Couples in jeans and t-shirts strolled with arms around each other.
Skate-boarders went gliding by couples who had stopped to admire the trees that were just beginning to venture leaves. Parents pushed strollers and baby carriages. Small boys meandered slurping melting ice cream.
On benches along the riverbank, old couples sat, faces upturned to the sun. Dogs strained forward on leashes. From far off came the sound of an approaching train. People turned, waiting to see it pass by.
And pass by it did as the rowers strained towards the finish line, as the spectators cheered, as a couple in Levis bent their heads together and the new Spring sunlight fell like honey on their hair.